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  • Waypoint Church

But First, Pray

Written by a Waypoint Member

As most of you know we are in the middle of a Pray, Serve, Share initiative at Waypoint. Because I have gifts in evangelism, I have often wanted to bypass the first two steps and go straight to the “share” part. When I was in full-time ministry with a college ministry it was literally my job to share the gospel with others, but now that I have transitioned to a different role and life stage, it’s not as easy as it used to be. God has really put it on my heart to share with fellow moms at my kids’ preschool, but I feel unequipped, which has led me to depend on God through prayer (which is not a bad thing!). It has shown me my need for God and convicted me about my previous lack of prayer. It has taught me that “El Roi,” the God who sees me, sees me in this process.

One way that I’m practicing this, is by asking my children every night, who they want to pray for. Each night they tell me the names of their teachers and classmates, and we pray for them and their families. They get so excited to do it, and if I forget they are sure to remind me! My children aren’t able yet to articulate the gospel, but I’m so thankful that they can be a part of God revealing Himself to their friends and teachers. Every time we pray for them, I get this mental picture of their friends and teachers standing before the throne of God, worshipping Him. I pray and hope that one day that will be true. It’s humbling to think that we are able to play a small part in their story.

My greatest desire is to see my children call upon the name of the Lord. I want them to know about the God who sees them, and the God who hears them. He wants us to come to Him in prayer, what joy! So that is why I want them to learn about prayer early in their lives. I’m still just as passionate about evangelism, it’s critical, but now I see prayer as just as critical. Even if you never see the results of those prayers, they still matter and they remind us we are all a part of God’s big story. I encourage you to take a moment to pause and think of the people you interact with on a consistent basis. Ask God who He might be calling you to share with: neighbors, co-workers, the cashiers at Target, another dad/mom at drop off/pick up, someone at your gym? Write their names on a prayer card, think about how you can be intentional, tell your community group about them, but of course, first start with the step of prayer. Oh yeah, be sure to ask your children, too!

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