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Waypoint Church

What is Joy in a Broken World?

Written by Keith Richards

To be upfront with everyone, if you are expecting a clear answer to the question, "What is Joy in a broken world?" I don't know if this blog will answer it. I am a joyful person in progress. Hopefully, this blog will walk you through my journey and help you reflect on the joy or lack of joy in your life. 

I should start with my journey. I am, by nature, more melancholy than optimistic. When someone says the Kingdom of God is here and not quite yet, I focus on the not yet more than here. So, I naturally deal with the brokenness of this world with a not-yet view. Similarly, with joy, I tend to be ok without it because it's not yet. A verse like this resonates with me, "Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven." Luke 6:23. I'm not saying this is a healthy worldview or a biblical one. More verses in the NT call us to joy now rather than in the future: "And the angel said to them, "Fear not for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people." Luke 2:10. "These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full." John 15:11. Joy is also a fruit produced by the Spirit (Gal 5:22). And as a result of this worldview, there are so many days I'm left exhausted because I'm grinding out today, looking forward to the future joy, not today's joy. I see the world's brokenness and my brokenness and wonder how there can be joy in a broken world.

However, in the past six months, I have noticed hope in an unexpected place. This hope has come from my daughter Hannah. She exudes Joy in the midst of constant brokenness. As many of you may know, my daughter Hannah has some fairly significant medical challenges. Her many conditions have left her mind and body broken. We named her Hannah because her brother's name is Eli, and I liked linking the story of Hannah and Eli as in the Bible. I remember when she was a baby, I constantly prayed that the Lord would not forget her, similar to Hannah in the Bible. I, of course, prayed for healing as Hannah from the bible prayed for a Child. I thought maybe her name was Hannah because God was not going to forget her and heal her. God still may choose to heal Hannah on earth, but her middle name goes beyond her healing. Her middle name is JOY. One theologian defines Christian joy as "A good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit, as He causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the word and in the world." Hannah's body is broken, but she is joyful. Hannah shows me the beauty of Christ and the beauty of this world. She smiles when there is little to smile at; she is not just polite but grateful for those who serve her. She brings smiles to doctors and nurses who prod her, teachers who struggle to teach her, and her parents who get frustrated at the things she can't control. Joy for Hannah is beyond circumstance. She is just joyful. I believe God has not forgotten her, and beyond healing, He has placed Joy in her heart. 

I am a melancholy overthinker, and my brokenness and the brokenness of the world takes my joy. Ironically, my daughter, who should have no joy, turns my lack of joy on its head. She is an example of Joy in a broken world. A joy that is now and to come. Augustine said, "Father, command what you will and grant what you command." So, as a joyful person in progress, I pray, O God, if you are going to command me to be joyful, grant that you would give me joy when you command it. Place joy in my heart!

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Adam Smith
Adam Smith
16 de dez. de 2024

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