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Waypoint Church

Prayer for Our World

Yesterday Lisa Parrot led our congregational prayer for world peace. This topic can feel so daunting that we often don’t know how to pray so we thought it would be helpful to have a copy of her prayer as a guide as we seek God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. May these words be a reminder to sow peace where we have influence and pray for those engaged in conflict: 

Dear God,

We come before you this morning, thankful that there is peace in this sanctuary. Our lives may feel turbulent, but we are far from the conflicts and wars that wage around the world. At this very moment there are people hiding, fleeing and pleading for their lives. Some are very hungry, most are tired and anxious, and many have no hope. Their lives and livelihoods feel destroyed, they may be dealing with physical and emotional wounds and they don’t know how to keep their family together. They are caught up in battles and aggression that we don’t want to imagine. We admit, God, that it can feel very far away. We confess that we are sometimes blind to the injustices of conflict and strife, and we feel powerless to act. And yet we can pray.

We read about the horrors unfolding in Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan and Haiti. And there are so many more forgotten battles in countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yemen, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, Syria, Mali and Burkina Faso. Gangs and drug lords continue to stir unrest in Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico. We know that you are in those places, and we also know that innocent children and vulnerable people continue to suffer, go hungry and face abuse.

Lord, we call on you today to bring peace to parts of the world where conflict rages. In the Old Testament we are reminded that your eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth, and that your eyes are in every place to keep watch on evil and good. In Hebrews it says that no creature is hidden from your sight, but we are all naked and exposed before you, and we must give account for what we have done.  

We ask that you lift up those who are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, wondering if anyone sees them, hears them, cares for them. We intercede on their behalf and call for food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, safety for those without shelter, and protection for those caught in the fighting, especially young girls. We pray that you deal with the evil, hatred and retribution of those engaged in active war.

God, when we hear stories of those who have lived through conflict, fought in battle or fled from their homes, we are deeply saddened.  Amid all the turmoil and changes in the world, your love remains steadfast, and you never fail. May we not forget those who are suffering, serving and seeking safety.  We pray that this starts by loving one another. Let peace fill our hearts and our world, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.  


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