Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil
Written by Erika Castiglione
Holy Saturday is the day between Good Friday and Easter, and it marks the end of Lent. It is a time of anticipation, and a time to contemplate the time between when Jesus said, “it is finished,” bowed his head, and gave up his spirit (John 19:30), and the time when the women discovered the empty tomb and the angel declared, “He is risen!” (Luke 24:6). Throughout church history many Christians have marked this day with prayer and fasting.
This year we are asking you to consider taking one hour of your day (or night) to pray, wherever you are, to prepare your heart for Easter, to pray for Waypoint Church, and to pray for the many visitors we will have on Easter Sunday. For some it will be the first time ever to go to church and for others it will be a return after many years.
We hope to always celebrate the glorious reality that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection has made a way for our salvation, and we hope to always provide a hospitable environment for those who are exploring Christianity, but Easter provides a unique opportunity to put both of those things front and center.
If the thought of praying for an hour feels a little daunting, I have created a guide to give you an outline of what this time might look like. I pray this would be a sweet time of communion with God!
You can sign up for the Prayer Vigil here.