Formed in Christ

Written by Erika Castiglione
In recent years there has been a renewed interest in spiritual disciplines and practices. Some of it could simply be a trend or a generational pendulum shift, but much of it, I believe, has been born out of a desire to experience and live out the abundant life that Jesus promised. We have discovered we need help living out our faith, tangibly growing in the fruit of the Spirit and our ability to love God with our mind, soul, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves.
Christian Philosopher Dallas Willard famously said, “Grace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning.” I was reminded of this quote and this concept when we were studying Philippians 2 a few Sundays ago and Pastor Peter walked us through Paul’s words in verse 12, “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Isn’t it amazing to think we are active participants in our spiritual journey as we get to work out what God is working in us?
Spiritual formation has been described as “developing a healthy attachment to God.” God, our perfect, loving father, has adopted us into his family, and he wants us to learn to trust in his love. Often we have spent so much time looking other places for worth, believing half-truths and lies, and sometimes unknowingly drifting into the patterns of this world, that this might require a complete reorientation of our hearts, minds, and bodies. Thankfully, we were never intended to do it alone.
The church staff and leaders want to come along side you as you work out your salvation as God so powerfully works in you. Of course, the power is not in us, the resources we share, or the opportunities we provide, but in the Holy Spirit who empowers. With that in mind, I’d like to share a few upcoming opportunities to support you in your journey of faith.
Next week we have three days set aside for prayer and fasting for Waypoint (here is a printable guide for that time). You are also always welcome to join us for prayer between Sunday worship services in room 167.
Secondly, four different Waypoint Academy classes will be offered on Saturday, September 14, where you will have a chance to choose from Introduction to Spiritual Formation, The Grand Story of the Bible, Discovery the Trinity, and a class on the first two chapters of Genesis (more information to come).
Lastly, community groups and men’s and women’s Bible studies will be starting back up this fall. For those of you looking to join a group, on Sunday, September 15, we’ll have a community group fair where you can check out the various groups and locations. I’m so thankful that we can also partner with each other as we continue on in the path that leads to flourishing!